Here at Waxadisc I have always been passionate about helping people gain as much from my expertise and knowledge for free as possible. I have given away countless courses and tutorials and time over the years and it is something I still enjoy to this day.
I recently updated my samples folders and put them all into one place instead of having them on different links which was a problem when people requested them.
So all of my sample packs are in one easy place now, and all you need to do is click the link below and gain instant access to the samples drive which I am constantly adding things to.
Below are just a handful of short videos demonstrating the free samples packs I have on offer for you. So watch them and see what brilliant samples and loops etc you can grab for free.
The most recent is a straight out of the box drum rack / one shots which is a 5 piece kit that is a perfect House music drum machine. So there is no time wasting getting a solid beat going. You just grab this and go. Watch the short tutorial below to see how I have curated these sounds to sound fat and heavy.
However if you require more disco sounding drums then check out the Salsoul Drummers pack I created where I purposely sampled individual drum hits from classic Salsoul tracks and put them altogether in one massive drum rack. If you don't use Ableton you can still grab these drum racks and take the one shots and enter them into your own DAW of choice.
If you struggle with chord playing and want some funky Fender Rhodes chords loops then you can grab the pack of chords I produced where you get a selection of the finest warm chords available such as minor 7th chords as well as the major and minor chords.
These are very useful to drop into your Hip Hop tracks as well as your soulful House tracks. They are very versatile. Watch the video above which is combined into the Salsoul drummer video.
The Oberheim is a legendary brand that make incredible machines that the music industry owes an awful alot to. The DMX drum machine they created was responsible for hits like Blue Monday by New Order and their keyboards have probably produced more hit records than you can possibly count.
So the video below is something I created to outline the best samples from the pack I had which I compiled for you to use. The sounds can be used in so many genres which shows its versatility. Grab this beauty today.
Who doesn't love the Melotron sound? It was such a captivating instrument back in the late 60's and into the mid 1970's before polyphonic synthesizers became more available. The Melotron was a machine that was based on having each note on the keyboard linked to a tape reel which played each note as it was struck.
This created an eerie sound that is now legendary but very difficult to handle at the time due to keys going out of sync, so when the more easy to tune polyphonic synths came along the Melotron became obsolete.
However many of them did not survive and they rarely turn up now at auction etc but when they do they go for large sums of money. But you don't have to find those big bucks to use one today. I have created a sampler in Ableton where the classic sounds have been tweaked to the correct keys so you don't have to do anything other than plug in and play like you were in the 1970's.
So the above are just a handful of free samples I have to offer you, so click the pink box below and see the full list of samples that you can now have access to at your disposal.